Benefits for Early Signup
Why should I sign up before the
start of my season?
There are several features within InGoodStandings (InGS) which are extremely beneficial to the league organizers, officials and administrators.
Communication Amongst
Officers During Pre-Season
Once you have created your
league structure within InGS and have assigned your division and/or team
administrators, you can immediately benefit by using:
Tracking of Division Structure and Schedule Creation
Build and adjust the division structure and schedules with your officers. When you first create your new season within InGoodStandings, it can be “hidden” from general view. This gives you the opportunity to prepare your new season by modifying the league structure and setting up the schedules. During this time you assign anyone you wish to have the authority access it the new season and/or its schedules.
Manager Communication to Players and Families
Using the InGS Team News
Section, managers can immediately begin communicating with their players and
families. Have your players set a “news
watch” on their team, then any updates to the Team
News Page will result in an email being sent to the player.
Sponsorship Setup
As your sponsorships come in
during pre-season, you can be building their logos and/or advertising messages
preparing them to be actually applied to your standings web site at the
appropriate time.