
 Tech Valley Home Inspections, LLC is pleased to offer you a full range of quality inspection services for your home in many different categories described below.  Feel free to call if you have any questions or need a quote.

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Home Maintenance Review
    (For the home owner)

You should be aware of all maintenance items in your home and have a record of periodic operations and maintenance schedule for these items throughout the home.

Home Inspection
For the buyer)

This is an inspection of the entire home/mechanicals/garage/grounds. This is an extensive inspection to determine what is either good or bad with the home, structural or cosmetic. This inspection comes with a full report with photos as needed.

Prelisting Inspection
    (For the seller)

If you're anticipating selling your house, an inspection will most likely be done. This is to identify deficiencies in the home prior to the sale of the home so there are no surprises to the seller and the Realtor during a home inspection. It's better to find out any problems NOW Deficiencies can be repaired while waiting for a buyer. This service can expedite the sale of a home and make transactions go smoother.

Energy Audit
Are you wasting energy?

With the price of oil and gas skyrocketing, you can't afford NOT to know where you are wasting energy. In many cases, there are simple and cheap ways for you to lessen or stop the energy waste going on in your home.

We'll perform a home energy audit inspection on your house with a report.

The report consist of cost verses saving and pay back. For more information on how the audit works please click on www.hometuneup.com.

Radon Testing

Radon gas can be dangerous as a health hazard. Its presence in your home is usually undetected. We'll perform a radon test in your house with a laboratory report to let you know exactly what you're dealing with.  We follow all EPA (Environmental Protections Agency) guidelines.

Water Testing

Water tests consists of collecting water samples. These samples are brought to a Laboratory for analysis. Typical tests are for Bacteria for potobility, or a 4 point FHA short test for Lead, Bacteria, Nitrates, Nitrites. Other tests are available upon request.

Septic Inspection

This involves locating and accessing the tank. The tank is pumped and conditions are observed and reported. Results are sent to the client.

Wood Destroying Insects

This service is contracted out to a New York State Licensed Pest Control company to identify pest activity and damage. Most common wood destroying insects are Powder post Beetles, Termites, Carpenter Ants. Recommendations and reports will follow every inspection.