Step-by-step instructions:
Game Officials Overview BACK TOP INDEX
InGoodStandings provides a simple module that allows you to keep track of your game umps/refs/officials and their assignments.
You can easily build groups of your league's officials and associate those groups with the divisions that they are eligible to be assigned in. Then, assigning officials is as easy as updating the schedule and picking them from a dropdown list.
Creating New Groups BACK
To create a new group.
Changing Group Options BACK
Use the "Group Options" Panel to change the name, description or other information about your Groups.
Existing Groups BACK
To Delete a Group
How Members are Kept BACK TOP INDEX
InGS Keeps track of current and previous officials at several levels:
You pick the members of your groups from a list of officials who have been previously registered for this type of service from you league. New users are easily added as needed.